
CARD, Inc. was founded by Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, together with fourteen of his colleagues, as a social development organization in December 1986. From a mere vision of setting-up a bank which is owned and managed by landless women, it has then evolved into an outstanding microfinance institution (MFI) that is presently leading the pack of microfinance institutions in the Philippines.

As many of Filipino families continue to live below the poverty line, CARD Inc. strives to reach more households through its microfinance services. Since taking off with its Grameen-style microlending in 1989, CARD has spent a considerable time in refining the methodology with the end in view of achieving the twin goals of outreach and sustainability.

A major event in CARD, Inc.’s history came in 1997 when CARD, Inc. obtained from the Central Bank of the Philippines the license to operate a rural bank, which is then named CARD Bank, Inc. Now, microfinance graduates, those clients who are considered to be capable of formal banking, are transferred to CARD Bank, Inc.

CARD Inc. has consistently maintained a near perfect repayment rate since 2001, which contributed to its financial viability as per global microfinance standards.

Vision and Mission


CARD MRI is a world-class leader in microfinance and community-based social development undertakings that improves the quality of life of socially and economically challenged women and families towards nation building.


CARD MRI is committed to:

  • Empower socially and economically challenged women and families through continuous access to financial, microinsurance, educational, livelihood, health and other capacity-building services that eventually transform them into responsible citizens for their community and the environment;
  • Enable the women members to gain control and ownership of financial and social development institutions; and
  • Partner with appropriate agencies, private institutions, and people and community organizations to facilitate achievement of mutual goals.


Our Team


Founder and Chairman Emeritus

Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip is the Founder of the Center for Agriculture and Rural Development Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI), the 2008 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee for Public Service. Dr. Alip is now the Chairman Emeritus of CARD NGO and continues to chair the board of the major institutions of CARD MRI (CARD Bank, CARD SME Bank, and CMDI). Started in 1986, CARD MRI is now a group of 23 mutually reinforcing institutions whose major focus is poverty eradication in the country. Dr. Alip served in various key positions in the Philippine Government: Undersecretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (2002-2003); Assistant Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform (1996-1998); and Deputy Executive Director of the Agricultural Credit Policy Council (1988-1992). As an educator, he served as the dean of CMDI Tagum campus from 2017 to 2021. He is also an Eminent Fellow of the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), since 2012 and an Adjunct Professor of CPAF, University of the Philippines in Los Baños (2011-2019). He served in the board of Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute (SAIDI), Philippines from 2008 -2014. He served as an adjunct faculty of the Southern New Hampshire University in USA from 2008-2010. Moreover, he was also a Special Fellow of Nihon Fukushi University, Nagoya, Japan. He has been recently appointed as a visiting scholar/fellow of Univeristy of New Hampshire from April 2017 to 2018. Dr. Alip is an alumnus of the Harvard Business School, having completed the 3-year Owner/President Management (OPM) Program in 2007 and was given the Excellence Award on Strategy. He obtained his doctorate degree in Organization Development from the Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute (SAIDI), Manila, Philippines in 2002. He received his bachelor and master’s degrees in agricultural economics/marketing from the University of the Philippines at Los Baños in 1978 and 1983, respectively. He also attended the Executive Program in Global Management at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. in 1999.





Ms. Bañez, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), is one of the incorporators and a member of the Board of Trustees of CARD, Inc. She also sits as a director/trustee of CARD Bank, Inc. Being one of the incorporators of CARD Inc. she was part of the pioneering work force in the implementation of development programs during which she spearheaded the establishment and installation of the over-all financial management system towards institutional efficiency and evolving into CARD MRI. She greatly contributed in the transformation of microfinance operation into a formal banking system by developing financial management system compliant to banking regulations. Too, she coordinated the development and designing of the bank’s management information system.

She was a Board Member of the Grace and Truth School in San Pablo City from 1993-1996 and was the Program Manager of the Christian Children Fund Federation of Core Group based in the same city way back in 1989. Her initial years of professional services has earned valuable experiences as the Programs Accountant of the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) where she worked for the period January 1980 until June 1988. She has served as microfinance consultant for TYM, VBCP and CIDSE in Vietnam and Rural Bank of Sto. Tomas (RBST) in the Philippines.

She is a Bachelor’s Degreeholder in Commerce and has earned units in MS in Development Management at the University of the Philippines in Los Baños and a graduate of the short course on Program for Development Managers at the Asian Institute of Management. She finished Master in International Community Economic Development at the New Hampshire University in Manchester, New Hampshire, U.S.A.



Mr. Dequito is the President of CARD, Inc. with concurrent position as the Managing Director of the CARD group. He also sits as the Chairman of Rizal Bank, Inc. and CARD Business Development Services Foundation, Inc. (CARD BDSFI) and a director of Microventures, Inc. Mr. Dequito was the first staff of CARD, Inc. in 1988 as administrative clerk. Herose thru the ranks where he got involved in the banking operations and business development services of CARD. He headed CARD BDSFI when it started in 2005 until he was transferred to CARD SME Bank, Inc. in 2016 as President/CEO until April 30, 2021.

He obtained his degree in Business Administration major in Accounting from San Pablo Colleges and earned his master’s degree in Entrepreneurship from Asian Institute of Management. He also completed the Advance Management Program in Harvard Business School. Mr. Dequito was awarded Outstanding San Pableños in 2019 for Banking (Microfinance and SME Banking).


Corporate Treasurer

Ms. Ruiz is a member of the Board of Trustees and the Treasurer of CARD, Inc. She also sits as a Board of Directors of CARD SME Bank from 2011 to 2021 and now served as its Board Adviser and Chairman of CARD SME Bank Savings and Remittance Committee.

Armed with double degrees of Bachelor of Arts major in English and Bachelor of Science major in Accounting, Marilen Medina-Ruiz joined The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC) right after graduation from College of the Holy Spirit, Manila. This led to a 37-year career with one of the largest financial institutions in the world. At HSBC, she occupied various executive positions covering Branch Operations, Corporate Banking, Personal Banking, Sales and Business Development, Trust Marketing, Training and Marketing. Her field of specialization focused on Sales, Business Development, and Personal Financial Services.


Corporate Auditor

Mr. Lucas is a member of the Board of Trustees of CARD, Inc. He is also the current Treasurer and Corporate Secretary of Bwena Lending and Credit Corporation since 2019. He previously servedas Executive Vice President – RFC 2 at Radiowealth Finance Company from 2015 to 2016 but first 3 joined as AVP MIS & Treasury in 1994 until 1996. He became AVP MIS & Corporate Planning at the same company in 1996 up to 1999; VP–MIS, Treasury, Corporate Planning & Corporate Lending (1999 to 2007), and Executive Vice President and General Manager (2007 to 2014). He also joined National Shipping Corp. of the Phils., Phil. Microprocessor Systems, Inc., Jonah Fishing Enterprises during the early years of his career and honed his expertise

Mr. Lucas is an alumnus of Ateneo de Manila University where he was an academic scholar and obtained a degree in Physics. He completed the Executive MBA Program in Asian Institute of Management.


Corporate Secretary

Ms. Manila is the current Corporate Secretary of CARD, Inc. and a member of its Board of Trustees. Concurrently, she is the Chairperson and President of CARD MRI Hijos Tours Inc. and CARD MRI Publishing House Inc. and the Chairperson of Mga Likha Ni Inay. She joined CARD group in 2000 as the Executive Assistant to the Managing Director until 2002. She then managed the Resource Mobilization unit of CARD in 2002 up to 2005 and eventually became its director from 2005 to 2009. When CARD started several partnership offices in Southeast Asia, Ms. Manila was assigned to take the lead of CARD International Group as its director from 2009 to 2013. She spearheaded CARD’s Community Development Group and became its director from 2012 to 2017. She was also the Director for Academic and Curriculum Standards of CMDI from 2018 to 2019. She served as director of other CARD institutions including CARD Hong Kong Foundation (2011 to 2016), BotiCARD, Inc. (as Chairman, 2015 to 2017), CAMIA (2015 to 2017), and CARD Myanmar Company Ltd. (2013 to 2017).

She earned her BS Development Communication Major in Educational Communication from University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) and obtained her Masters in Entrepreneurship, major in Social Development from Asian Institute of Management.



Dr. Torres is the Chairperson of CARD, Inc. and concurrently the Senior Management Adviser/Vice-Chairperson of CARD Bank, Inc. As one of the founding board members of CARD, Inc., she became its Program Manager in 1988 and subsequently its Executive Director from 1989 up to April 2001 when she has to take the leadership of CARD Bank, Inc. as its President and CEO. Before joining CARD, Inc., Dr. Torres was the Training Manager of Philippines Business for Social Progress from 1981 to 1988. She sits as Vice-Chairperson in Rizal Bank, Inc. and CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. (CMD), board adviser to several other institutions of CARD MRI. Dr. Torres, with her experience in community development, banking operations and microfinance, served as Consultant to TYM, SIDA, and CIDSE in Vietnam.

Dr. Torres obtained her Master in Community Development from the University of the Philippines 2 at Los Baños. She completed Key Executive Management Course at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in Makati City, and obtained her doctorate degree in Organizational Development from the Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute (SAIDI), Manila. She has participated in various microfinance training program that includes MFT Course in Boulder Colorado and Executive Program in Global Management at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.



Ms. Louie Cadaing is one of CARD, Inc.’s Board of Trustees and currently sits in the board of CARD Bank. She is a development management practitionerand focuses on capacity building and institutional strengthening; project development and management; and, microfinance and enterprise development. She has extensive experience working with multi-lateral, bilateral, nongovernment (local and international) organizations, and church based/church related organizations such as the Tearfund, World Vision, Opportunity International.

An honor student in elementary and secondary school, Ms. Cadaing is a BS Human Ecology major in Settlements Planning graduate of the University of the Philippines at Los Baños. She holds a Masteral Degree in Urban and Regional Planning also from U.P. and has undertaken further studies in Program for Women Managers at the Asian Institute of Management.



Atty. Casanova sits as one of the Board of Trustees of CARD, Inc. He also serves as Country Representative of AECOM Philippines since 2017. He also holds a faculty seat as visiting lecturer in Ateneo de Manila School of Government. He is the Vice-Chairman of Clark Development Corporation since 2011. Atty. Casanova’s skills and know-how exceeds several fields of discipline. He has played key leadership roles in public-private partnership, infrastructure and real estate such as development of former US military bases and the Bonifacio Global City; corporate governance particularly the implementation of reforms in government corporations; peacemaking, negotiation, security and conflict resolution among different rebel groups in the country; and teacher and guide in social entrepreneurship. Atty. Casanova earned his undergraduate degree, BA in English in UP Diliman. He earned a diploma on Urban and Regional Planning from UP School of Urban and Regional Planning. He finishedLaw 5 in the University of the Philippines. Atty. Casanova received his Certificate on Negotiations of Financial Transactions from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research in Geneva, Switzerland and earned his Master in Public Administration (Finance and Leadership) from the Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government. He also earned his Fellowship from the Edward S. Mason Program in Public Policy and Management.

He served as the General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of the Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) from 2003 until 2009 and became the President/CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board from 2011 to 2016. From 1998 until 2003, Atty. Casanova also served as the Head Executive Assistant (Chief of Staff) of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA). He was the Executive Director of Asia Society Philippines Foundation, Inc from 2009 to 2011. He is also the Founding Director and Philippines Country Manager of the Avant change, Ltd., a corporation that advocates and promotes social entrepreneurship in Asia. Avant change is rooted in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA and pushed through by Harvard Alumni, Asian universities and funders. He also served as Corporate Secretary to three corporations: the Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation, BCDA Management and Holdings, Inc. and Bataan Technology Park, Inc. In 1993 until 1997 he became the Chief of the Technical Working Group of the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process. He also sits as vice-chairman/chairman/board member of several government institutions including Clark Development Corporation, John Hay Management Corporation, BCDA Management Holdings, Inc., and Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation, Bonifacio Global City Estate Corporation, Subic Clark Alliance for Development, and Solar Energy Foundation. He is a member of the Philippine Army Multisectoral Advisory Board and the Steering Committee Chairman of Philippine Investment Promotion Plan.



Ms. Sarmiento is one of the incorporators of the institution and one of the current Board of Trustees. She assumed several roles starting from being a Technical Officer (1988-1989), a Branch Manager (1990-1993), an Associate Director (1994-1995), HR/Training Director of the former CARD Training Center for eight years (1995-2003), Executive Director (2002-2013), President/Executive Director (2016), Deputy Managing Director (2016-2017), and the Managing Director(2017-2021). ShealsoservedasRizalBank,Inc.’sPresident/CEOfrom2011to2013and Chairman from 2013 to 2021. A practitioner in rural credit planning, Ms. Sarmiento has organized and trained small farmers in Laguna under the Integrated Rural Financing Program of CARD, Inc. from 1988 to early 2000. From then on, she has continuous participation in various trainings/exposures for professional development conducted locally and abroad. Most of the trainings/programs that she attended enhanced her expertise in the implementation and management of microfinance operations, which she also shared being a resource person (as well as through internship program and invitation) with other GB replicators, NGOs and MFIs interested in replicating CARD’s microfinancemodel..

Ms. Sarmiento graduated with a degree in Agriculture major in Agronomy at the Araneta University and finished Master in Business Administration at Trinity College. She further enhanced her skills through participation in an Appreciative Program/ Executive Program in Global Management at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA and finished Executive MBA from the Asian Institute of Management (AIM). She also completed Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School of Boston.



Having first served as Technical Officer in 1988, Ms. Valenzuela rose thru the ranks and now one of the Board of Trustees of CARD, Inc. and also the President/CEO of Rizal Bank, Inc. She was the institution’s Associate Director from 2001 to 2013 and became its Executive Director from 2013 to 2016 before she was transferred to Rizal Bank, Inc. as President/CEO. She also sits as director in CARD SME Bank, Inc., serve as assistant corporate secretary in CMDI, board adviser in CLFC/BDFSI/CMIT/CAMIA, among others.

Besides actual experiences in microfinance implementations, Ms. Valenzuela also gained her trained on Grameen Banking methodology and Rural Banking both locally and abroad. Most of her exposures were in the neighboring countries replicating the GB model such as Bangladesh (ASA, SAFESAVE) and Malaysia. Ms. Valenzuela had her Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture at Araneta University. Posing for professional development, Ms. Valenzuela obtained Masters in Business Administration at Trinity College and finished her Executive MBA studies at the Asian Institute of Management. She finished Advanced Management Program in Harvard Business School.



Ms. Dequito started working as Secretary/Cashier of CARD, Inc. in May 1990. Three years after, she was assigned as Accounting Officer way up to being the Finance Manager in 1996. She headed CARD, Inc.’s finance department from 2001 until 2013 when she was promoted to be Deputy Executive Director from 2013 to 2016 and assumed the Executive Director position in November 2016 up to 2021. She is now one of the trustees of the institution with concurrent position as CEO of CARD MBA, the microinsurance arm of CARD MRI.

Her attendance in professional development trainings started in 1991; mostly focused on financial management and analysis. Ms. Dequito obtained her Master of Science in Community Economic Development in Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, U.S.A.; Master in Business Administration at Trinity College, Manila and her Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce 7 Major in Accounting at Laguna College, San Pablo City. She also completed Advanced Risk Management program in Wharton University, USA.



Ms. Alip was the Research Director of the CARD MRI (Center for Agriculture and Rural Development) and now the Research Adviser. She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of CARD, Inc. Through her efforts, the use of the SEEP/AIMS Exit and Client Satisfaction Surveys are now institutionalized at CARD MRI. She was trained on MicroSave qualitative tools in Uganda in January 2001, and since then has acted as resource person in 5 runs of the Market Research for Microfinance (MR4MF) Training of Trainers course in the Philippines. The confidence in using the SEEP/AIMS tools, complemented by the MicroSave-Africa-developed PRA techniques, enabled her team to train other MFIs in their use, and in translating the findings to refine existing/introduce new products and services in the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. Her vision is to build competency among CARD field staff in gathering information from clients and translating what they heard into product concepts and improved services. She obtained her degree of Agriculture and some units in Communication Arts at University of the Philippines Los Baños. She obtained Master of Science in International Community Economic Development degree at Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, New Hampshire, U.S.A.



Ms. Derequito is a member of the Board of Trustees of CARD, Inc. Over the years, she has held various positions in private institutions, including key roles in corporate governance. In 2012, she served as Officer and Director of Outsourced Compliance at CARD Bank, Inc., and later became Assistant Corporate Treasurer in 2023. Since 2022, she has been the Private Sector Representative for the Microfinance NGO Regulatory Council (MNRC). Additionally, she became Chairman of the Board for CARD MRI Astro Laboratory in 2020 and has served as a Board Director for CARD MRI Insurance Agency since 2021. Her involvement also includes being a Board Observer and a member of the Board and Observer Committee since 2012 and 2022, respectively. Leveraging her extensive skills and knowledge, she has now advanced to the role of Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of CARD MRI Rizal Bank, Inc. in 2024.

Ms. Derequito obtained her Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from Laguna College, studying from 1995 to 1999. She then pursued a Master’s in Business Management at Laguna College from 2004 to 2005. Furthering her education, she earned a Master of International Community Economic Development (ICED) from Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), USA, from 2009 to 2010. Additionally, she completed the Senior Executive Leadership Program (SELP) at Harvard Business School, USA, from 2017 to 2018.



Ms. Del Corro was a member of the Board of Trustees of CARD, Inc. from 2011 to 2013, and in March 2023, she was reinstated to that position, where she continues to serve. Before that, she was an MBA Coordinator from 2008 to 2010. Ms. Del Corro obtained her degree from the University of the Visayas in 1981. She is married to Raul Del Corro and is a mother of three children.  She has actively participated in various Lakbay Aral programs and has attended the MBA Coordinator Ready To Go Seminar.



Ms. Alicante started serving as a center chief from 2020 – 2023. After that, she became a member of the Board of Trustees from 2023 until the present. She attended the 2023 MCPI Annual Conference.

Concurrently, she has been a Microinsurance Coordinator from January 2022 – until today. Ms. Susan Alicante is married to Mr. Freddie Alicante.



Ms. Eulin has been a member/client of CARD, Inc. (A Microfinance NGO) since 2007. She has been a CARD MBA, Inc. Board of Trustee for Calendar Year 2014-2015, an active center officer started as Secretary, Treasurer, and Center Chief and now currently serves as Micro Insurance Supervisor (MIS) of CaMIA in Samar.Ms. Eulin and her husband manage their 17-year Motor Spare Parts Shop and they are also engaged in Buy & Sell Business. Their business provided employment in their community. She finished BS – Industrial Technology in Balicuatro National Vocational School..




Mr. Vicente P. Briones, Jr.

Executive Director

Ms. Marissa M. De Mesa

Senior Deputy Executive Director

Mr. Alvin M. Villamena

Deputy Executive Director

Ms. Lousel Cortes

Deputy Executive Director for Finance and Admin

Ms. Melody Escorza

Senior Director for Finance

Ms. Billie Jean Consignado

Director for Risk

Mr. Raymond A. Uy

Chief Compliance Officer

Ms. Lorelie Alvero

Director for IT

Ms. Maricel Lim

Deputy Director for DCC

Ms. Maridel Manalo

Deputy Director for Compliance

Mr. Louie Silvestre

Director for Special Programs

Ms. Gladys Apalit

Program Manager

Ms. Gilnora Bahia

Assistant Executive Director

Mr. Joevill Tardio

Assistant Executive D

Mr. David Burgos

Assistant Executive Director

Mr. Samuel Tumbado

Operation Director

Ms. Marina Sepillo

Operation Director

Mr. Alexis Garcia

Operation Director

Mr. Jowie Guevarra

Operation Director

Ms. Marina Sepillo

Operation Director

Mr. Alexis Garcia

Operation Director

Mr. Jowie Guevarra

Operation Director

Mr. Jonathan Pondevida

Operation Director

Mr. Windel Dejuras

Operation Director

Mr. Juvy Ocate

Operation Director

Ms. Gina Reyes

Operation Director OIC

Ms. Judith Yeban

Operation Director OIC

Mr. Sandy Bulalacao

Regional Director

Ms. Gina Reyes

Operation Director OIC

Ms. Judith Yeban

Operation Director OIC

Ms. Jessica Solosa

Operation Director OIC

Mr. Sandy Bulalacao

Regional Director

Mr. Biegear Taguiam

Regional Director

Mr. Norman John Bulao

Regional Director

Ms. Ritchel Dacillo

Regional Director

Mr. Marck Anthony Llanes

Regional Director

Mr. Emmanuel Angeles

ptRegional Director

Mr. Mariano Blasco

Regional Director

Ms. Ronalyn Rosauro

Regional Director

Ms. Juvy Gacutan

Regional Director

Mr. Don-don Mercado
Ms. Luzviminda Dalisay

Regional Director

Mr. Ricky Reyes

Regional Director

Mr. Argel Cabuhal

Regional Director

Ms. Jinky Mendoza

Regional Director

Ms. Adora Almonte

Regional Director

Mr. Judy Aban

Regional Director

Mr. Raymond Quilit

Regional Director

Mr. Freddie Cuevas

Regional Director

Ms. Strella De Villa

Regional Director

Mr. Rex Mayol

Regional Director

Ms. Raquel Bernales

Regional Director

Mr. Rannel Aranda

Regional Director

Mr. Arlo Von Subrean

Regional Director

Mr. Adonis Saromines

Regional Director

Ms. Carmen Dalog

Regional Director – OIC

Ms. Marissa Agonos

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Marlon Mendoza

Regional Director – OIC

Ms. Mary Grace V. Espra

Operation Director OIC

Ms. Jan Alferezs

Regional Director – OIC

Ms. Jackie Lou Parchamento

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Domingo Saberon, Jr.

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Rudinario Sorisantos

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Melchor Ambrocio

Regional Director – OIC

Ms. Armunaida Bairulla

Sr. Area Manager

Ms. Vilma Asia

Regional Director – OIC

Ms. Eva Macalindong

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Rey Pionelo

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Marlon Baltero

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Michael Amistad

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Jason Gutierrez

Regional Director – OIC

Ms. Margie Doloy

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Edgardo Ostonal

Regional Director – OIC

Ms. Emy Cuestas

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Evan Cabulit

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Alfred Mahinay Jr.

Regional Director – OIC

Ms. Jhoannette Joy Artiaga

Regional Director – OIC

Mr. Jesse Peralta

Regional Director – OIC

Atty. Anatalia F. Buenaventura

Director for Corporate Legal

Dr. Roderick G. Belen

Director for MAHP

Ms. Jean Pauline B. Landicho

Director for RM/Partnership/IG

Ms. Evelyn Teodora M. Narvaez

Research Director

Ms. Marie Sharon Roxas

Sr. Director for Support Services

Ms. Melany Viajante

Director for Operations Research

Awards and Certifications


Plaque of Reconition Pag-ibig Funds TOP Employees in South Luzon Pag-ibig 2024
Digital Champion – MFI Category 2nd Digital Financial inclusion Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) 2023
Cerificate of Recognition Valuable support to MiDAS, Inc. MiDAS, Inc. 2023
Certificate of Recognition – Pivotal role as a founding member of Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) 2019
Plaque of Appreciation – Unwavering support and enduring commitment as an active distribution channel of CARD MBA in its microinsurance programs and services CARD MBA, Inc. 2019
Certificate of Recognition – Outstanding Member (score: 8/8) of Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) 2018-2019 Microfinance Council of the Philippines (MCPI) 2019
Certificate  of Recognition – Top Employer for the Category Membership Savings Collection Pag-IBIG Fund 2018
Country Winner Sustainable Social Enterprise ASEAN Business Awards 2018
ASEAN Winner Sustainable Social Enterprise ASEAN Business Awards 2018
Certificate of Recognition – Providing accurate, timely and realible data needed by the government for planning, policy and decision-making Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) 2016
Gawad MFI-Regional Level Winner Land Bank of the Philippines
Plaque of Recognition Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Balikat ng Bayan Special Citation Social Security System (SSS) 2016
Global Grade A Planet Rating 2014
Pag-ibig top employers for bracket E bracket (Employers with 4,000 and up employee base) Pag-IBIG Fund Coordinator’s Association (FCA) 2014
1st Nationwide SSS Servicing Partner Agent Social Security System (SSS) 2013
MFI ESG Award for Outreach and Inclusion Oikocredit 2012
13 Years of Microfinance Partnership People’s Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC)
Top District Tax Payer BIR RDO 55 San Pablo City 2009
Top District Tax Payer BIR RDO 55 San Pablo City 2008
Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service successfully providing self-sustaining financial service for half a million Filipino women and their families Ramon Magsaysay Awards Foundation 2008
Prize for Excellence in Community Economic Development School of Community Economic Development 2007
Prize for Excellence Community Economic Development, SNHU, USA 2007
Social Entrepreneur of the Year Ernst and Young 2006
2004 AMG 3 Trailbazer Award People’s Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC)
Recognition for contribution to poverty alleviation in NCR and Region IV People’s Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC)
People Power Award Former President Corazon Aquino 2005
Special Citation: “Microfinance Institution Partner with the Biggest Outreach” and “Pioneering MFI in the Enhancement of Capability Building of Other MFIs: Luzon People’s Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC)
Plaque of Recognition and Appreciation People’s Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC)
Plaque of Recognition People’s Credit and Finance Corporation, Asian Development Bank and Associated Resources for Management, Inc. (ARMDEV) 2001
Flame of Excellence Award Coalition for Microfinance Standards 2000
First Runner-Up for Excellence Award Grameen Foundation 2000
Outstanding Counterpart Award Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Plaque of Appreciation Presidential Management Staff 1990