Gateway of Opportunities

Posted on May 24, 2024

Written by: Josephine Ramos

Margie Quiamco, armed with determination, ventured to the city of Manila to work as a seamstress.

Growing up in a family from the province of Albay, Margie Quiamco dreamt of lifting her loved ones out of poverty. Answering the loud call of the Metro, she departed for Manila in pursuit of this vision, where she stumbled upon an opportunity that changed the course of her life.

For Margie, NCR represented a gateway to numerous opportunities. With nine siblings relying on the meager income of her farmer parents, Margie understood the need for a better life.

Inspired by her aunt, a skilled seamstress, Margie immersed herself in the art of sewing during her three-year stint living with her in Manila. Mastering the basics, she gradually refined her craft, honing her skills in tailoring clothes.

Afterward, she applied as a seamstress in a factory, gaining over a decade of experience there before mustering the courage to establish her own tailoring business.

Margie’s journey was filled with challenges, yet her persistent dedication, perseverance, and expertise garnered her a loyal clientele. From fast-food chains to corporate entities in need of employee uniforms, her expertise extended to crafting school uniforms as well.

Currently, overseeing two rented spaces for her tailoring shop, Margie employs six individuals and operates 20 sewing machines. Two of these machines were acquired through a loan from CARD MRI Rizal Bank, Inc. (CARD RBI), while a recent PHP 30,000.00 loan from the same microfinance -oriented rural bank facilitated the purchase of essential fabrics for her business.

As a widowed mother, Margie remains steadfast in her mission to secure a brighter future for her child and grandchild, diligently saving towards the acquisition of a permanent house. “My primary focus now is to provide my child and grandchild with a secured future and a roof over their heads,” she shared.

Margie’s aspirations extend beyond her current accomplishments. With a flourishing business, she envisions expanding more, demonstrating her commitment to growth.