CARD MRI marks 30th anniversary; PNoy graces the fete

Bay, Laguna – The CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI), a social development organization established in 1986, marked the start of its year-long celebration of the 30th anniversary with President Benigno S. Aquino III, Senator Bam Aquino, some government leaders, CARD management, staff and its members.

The anniversary commemorates the steadfast support of CARD MRI’s most treasured clients, dedicated staff and leaders, partners and stakeholders, and the supportive government and other regulatory bodies.

Likewise, the celebration publicly launches the “Nook of Memories”, which is the first permanent installation art by known artist, Junyee, that immortalizes the contributions of different individuals to social development.

The social development organization

“With only a twenty peso bill and an old typewriter, after thirty years we have grown to a group of 14 social development organizations fueled with our dedication and passion to eradicate poverty in the country,” said Dr. Jaime Aristotle Alip, founder and managing director of CARD MRI, adding that they have grown together with their clients, now more than 3.3 million in number.

From an NGO that provides microfinance services to women microentrepreneurs in 1986, CARD MRI have also established  rural and thrift banks, microinsurance providers, a mutual benefit association, a  foundation, an IT company, leasing and financing corporations, a training center and a college.

“We also provide our clients with community development programs in areas like health, education, communication, and disaster management, among others,” Dr. Alip added.

CARD MRI also is the first NGO to obtain license in 1997 from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) as a microfinance-oriented rural bank, which is now the CARD Bank, Inc. The bank has been the hall of famer for financial inclusion of BSP. In 2008, CARD MRI received its Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service.

Nook of memories

Recognizing that all the achievements of CARD MRI would have not been possible without the help of like-minded individuals who have been supporting its mission, CARD MRI through artist Luis R. Yee, Jr., popularly known as Junyee, created the first permanent installation art in the Philippines. This is to immortalize the contributions of people who are passionate about poverty eradication.

Placed in the nook is a marker devoted to President Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino, a supporter of social development institutions including CARD MRI.

“We are honored to have a marker dedicated to the late President Corazon Aquino here in our campus. She was a good friend of CARD MRI and has always been a source of our inspiration in continuing to empower the poor. We will strive with all our might and heart to continue the legacy that she has left us,” says Dr. Alip.

In 2005, President Cory Aquino awarded CARD MRI with the People Power People Award.

Microfinance NGOs Act

In November 2015, the Republic Act (RA) No. 10693 or the law that strengthens non-government organizations engaged in microfinance activities for the poor, which is also known as the Microfinance NGOs Act, authored by Senator Bam Aquino was approved by President Aquino.

“The law recognizes the significant role of microfinance NGOs in the economic growth of Philippines and in poverty eradication. It will also strengthen the primary purpose of implementing microfinance programs, products and services for the poor,” shared Senator Bam Aquino adding that the approval was a victory for all microfinance NGOs.

“CARD MRI, together with other microfinance institutions in the Philippines, are all grateful that through the Microfinance NGO Act a more financially inclusive Philippines is closer at hand. We salute your efforts in supporting us fight the battle against poverty,” shared Dr. Alip.

5-8-40 strategy

With CARD MRI’s dedication to help the socioeconomically challenged families, CARD MRI has covered almost 16.5% of the total population in the Philippines with microinsurance. This is through the microinsurance institution of CARD MRI, the CARD Mutual Benefit Association, Inc. (CARD MBA).

“We will not stop there. With the full support of our partners, stakeholders and the government, we are looking forward to the next five years ahead,” shared Dr. Alip.

CARD MRI came up with the 5-8-40 Strategy. “This means that in five years, we hope to provide our services to eight million clients. Assuming that each of that eight million clients have five members in the family, we will be providing community development programs like insurance, health services, and educational programs to 40 million individuals,” Dr. Alip added.

According to CARD MRI organizers, the jam-packed presence of CARD MRI clients made the event memorable as they are the main audience to witness the remarkable milestone of CARD MRI. On behalf of the more than 3.3 clients of CARD MRI, Mrs. Pascuala Geñoso shared how CARD MRI empowered her as a woman, as a mother, and as a microentrepreneur. “To be poor is a choice. Thanks to CARD MRI and other key stakeholders for believing in our capacity – that even we are poor, we can still do great things,” Mrs. Geñoso added.

Further, Mrs. Geñoso shared her gratitude to President Aquino for his support to the microfinance NGOs operating in the country. “When you signed the Microfinance NGOs Act into law, you allowed us to cling to our hope that there is a brighter future for our family. Thank you for being part of the battle of microfinance NGOs in eradicating poverty in the country,” said Mrs. Genoso.