CARD Inc. expands Paglambo Project

The Paglambo Project, a Shari’ah-inspired financing program of the Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) Inc. (A Microfinance NGO), is now reaching 4,182 Muslim clients, a huge increase from the initial 56 families reached when it started a year ago.

As of April 2019, an increase of 13.6% in terms of membership was noted from the previous month.

“This milestone on Paglambo’s membership showed how the Muslim communities of Mindanao welcomed CARD, Inc. and its program. The program with its intent to build meaningful relationship, captured the interest of the community making them trust and invest time at CARD, Inc.,” said CARD, Inc. Executive Director Jocelyn Dequito.

The development project, which also started with only two units in Marawi, Lanao del Sur and Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao, now has 18 units covering Cotabato, Isabela, Zamboanga City and Zamboanga del Sur.

According to Dequito, the Paglambo project is their commitment to building a financially inclusive country.

“Ending poverty has always been the goal of CARD, Inc. since 1986. Our core purpose is to help families move out from poverty through our financial and social development programs. The support we provide is for all regardless of gender, social status, and religion,” she added.

Dequito also expressed her gratitude to Dompet Dhuafa in Jakarta, Indonesia, Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF), and Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation (RMAF) for their continued support to the program.

Ongoing capacity building

Recently, 11 of the Paglambo Project staff of CARD, Inc. from Basilan went to Jakarta, Indonesia in Dompet Dhuafa for an exposure visit to expand their understanding on the implementation of Shari’ah financing.

According to CARD, Inc. Operations Director Gilnora Bahia, among their realizations during the visit is the possible implementation of education loan program under the Murabahah.

Murabahah follows an agreement that is based on the cost plus margin sale where the clients are provided with cash to purchase goods for their businesses with a marked-up price or margin.

“This will be a supplemental product and once they avail it, we will provide them with the school supplies they or their children need,” she added.

The inclusion of the new supplement is still on the planning phase according to Operations Director Bahia.

“Another batch of eight staff is set to visit Indonesia again and we hope to consolidate all our learning and be able to provide tailored fit services to all our Muslim brothers and sister,” Dequito assured.

“We will never stop learning and listening to our Muslim clients so we will be able to provide the services they need most. CARD, Inc. will just be always at their back, supporting them every step of the way,” concluded Dequito.