CHD provides extensive health services in Oriental Mindoro

A series of Community Health Day (CHD) were conducted by CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) through its Microfinance and Health Protection (MaHP) unit to provide extensive health services in Oriental Mindoro in the municipalities of Bulalacao, Mansalay, Roxas, Bongabong, Pinamalayan, Gloria, Socorro, Victoria, Naujan, Baco, Pola, and Calapan on April 1- 13, 2019.

“We’ve been conducting CHDs nationwide because we hope to bring access to health services to the communities. Oriental Mindoro is one of the 500 provinces we aim to reach this year,” said Dr. Roderick Belen, Deputy Director of MaHP unit.

More than 4,000 microfinance clients from CARD, Inc. and CARD Bank, their dependents, and the general public benefited from free medical, optical and dental services. Health education was also provided to give awareness about family planning, and other health issues.

“Because of the success of our previous CHDs, we are inspired to continue our health care services, “ Dr. Belen added.

As of April 2019, CHD was conducted in 208 municipalities and has served more than 110,000 CARD MRI clients, their dependents, and the general public.

CHD is part of CARD MRI’s community development programs that contributes to its mission of poverty eradication and improves the accessibility of health services to clients in all regions in the Philippines.

“More CHDs, more healthier communities,” he concluded.