No rough seas for a hardworking and prayerful heart

Becoming a lawyer could be every child’s dream. This journey, however, is one of the toughest voyage one has to sail. Here, only the most determined will ever get to the shoreline. Can you imagine the countless readings, intimidating professors, frightening recitations, and stressful written exams?

But to Samuel John Domjoe M. Abarcar and Florencio B. Aliman, Jr., hard work coupled with prayers will help you get through the rough seas. This has been proven by them as they were among the 1,800 passers of the 2018 Bar exam out of the 8,158 examinees, as released by the Supreme Court on May 3, 2019.

From a dream to a reality

Atty. Abarcar, since he was nine years old, already dreamed of being a lawyer. Instead of taking AB Political Science, however, he took BS Psychology at San Beda College in Alabang as his pre-law course.

“It was my mother’s choice for me to take psychology so I could look for a job immediately if in any case they could not sustain my law school journey right after graduation,” recalled Atty. Abarcar.

Luckily, he was able to enroll to law school right away at San Pablo Colleges in San Pablo City.

After graduation, Atty. Abarcar looked for a job that could help him provide the needs of the family. He juggled his time at work while reviewing for the bar exam. Unfortunately, he failed his first bar exam in 2012.

“It did not cause me to stop reaching for my dream. I even pushed myself and continued what I have started,” said Atty. Abarcar.

After the 2012 bar exam, he applied for a work in CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) corporate legal department. “I am lucky because I’ve become part of the legal department of CARD MRI. It’s like working at the same time reviewing for the bar exam,” he added.

After years of waiting, Atty. Abarcar felt that 2018 is the year for him to pass the bar exam. However, he felt the need for him to really undergo review classes because six years have passed already. This time, Atty. Abarcar’s problem is on the financial side.

“I need to review for six months. But instead of letting me drop the work since I will be out of office most of time, CARD even supported me financially and emotionally,” thanked Atty. Abarcar

Likewise, Atty. Aliman is a graduate of Bachelor of Law from Andres Bonifacio College at Dipolog, Zamboanga del Norte. He was inspired by his father who was then a law student but was not able to take the bar exam because he focused on raising their family.

“I am really happy that I have the full support from my family. I thought it will never happen but because of them, I made it. We made it,” said Atty. Aliman.

Atty. Aliman is also part of the legal department of CARD MRI. Like Atty. Abarcar, he also sought the help of the management to financially support him during his six months of review class. “The generosity of CARD is beyond measure. Who would let you stay in a company even if you’re out of office for six months? It’s just CARD,” Atty. Aliman proudly said.

Warm congratulations

During the Monday morning assembly of CARD MRI in San Pablo City head office on May 6, 2019, CARD MRI recognized the accomplishment achieved by its two staff, now lawyers.

“Since they started their journey at CARD, they have contributed significant things already especially in making sure that their respective offices would meet the targets set. Listening to their story, too, will make you realize how blessed a person can be if he/she only work hard and pray,” said Flordeliza L. Sarmiento, CARD MRI Managing Director.

In the Unified Collab blog post of CARD MRI Founder and Chair Emeritus Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, he said the accomplishment of the two lawyers is a manifestation of how CARD MRI’s core values work, especially the family spirit.

“The journey of these two lawyers was never easy. While preparing for their bar exam, they, too, are working at CARD. Good thing CARD MRI is not just a workplace, it is a family to consider,” said Dr. Alip, adding that he is also proud and thankful for the support their immediate supervisors and co-staff have given so they could successfully pass the bar exam.

“This is what family spirit is all about. At CARD we always make sure that every staff is nurtured and given full support to whatever they hope for,” said Dr. Alip.

At CARD MRI, capacity-building is always prioritized. “We will continue to support our staff in attaining their full potential to become stronger and more efficient in ending poverty in the country,” he emphasized.

Atty. Abarcar and Atty. Aliman are hopeful that they could contribute more in the attainment of CARD MRI’s mission of eradicating poverty. “We will continue to do the best of our profession so we could help more socioeconomically challenged families in the country,” expressed Atty. Aliman.

Truly, success favors those who work and pray for it.