Save for tomorrow

Making good decision on money matters can secure you financially with your business and family. Part of the decision making is the financial planning, which includes the practice of savings. Esmeralda Prejan, a 69-year-old garden owner from Cebu City, practices this in her daily life. According to her, the habit of savings is necessary because it allows her to deal with emergencies and urgent needs of money. “I am into gardening. So, when I know that growing flowers could generate greater income than growing corns, I and my husband decided to venture into it. However, market price of flowers is not high all the time. The increase or decrease in our net income is seasonal,” shared Esmeralda. This concern made them plan to save their profit when income is good. Perfect in time, their fellow gardeners linked them to Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD), Inc., a social development organization that provides clients access to credit. This enables them to borrow starting capital or additional capital for business sustainability and enable them to save profits. Convinced to entrust their money to the institution since 2010, savings money becomes a habit for Esmeralda. Now, being contented with what she has, money is no longer a big worry. Esmeralda shared that she started to save not because they have more money, but because she believed that a centavo everyday will eventually become a peso and will someday add up to even more.