An act of Mercy

Every day, we see in our neighborhood ordinary women like Mercy, selling street food and drinks under the heat of the sun. Mercy C. Galanque, of Lanao del Sur, started her small business selling kwek-kwek, kikiam, tempura, and gulaman.

As the saying goes, business ain’t easy—but for Mercy, it was her grit and relationship with CARD, Inc. that pushed her to grow her business from a humble street food stand to a bustling bakery.


Mercy has built her small business from the ground up, starting with the little capital that she had at the time. It is not unusual for entrepreneurs like Mercy to start in familiar territory—selling street food was probably a go-to for most Filipino mothers such as her.

Her street food stand covered in tarpaulin was far from the town proper, but she knew she had to persevere if she wanted to make a living. This is where Mercy stood out: in a little over two years, she earned enough money and was able to move to a bigger space where she put up a bakery of her own.

Mercy did not expect that she would be able to achieve such a feat. But now, she has her own bakery where she sells a variety of pastries, cookies, and sweets. She says that her business is doing well, serving many customers including children who go to school.


According to Meldeia A. Flores, area manager of CARD, Inc. (Bukidnon 1), it was Mercy’s friend that brought her to join the institution. CARD, Inc. was precisely what Mercy needed in her life to start a business.

CARD, Inc. is known to be one of the 21 institutions of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI),  united sharing a common  goal of eradicating poverty in the Philippines through microfinance, microinsurance, capacity building, and community development programs.

“With the help of CARD, Inc., I was able to provide for her family, and even found a new family in CARD, Inc. where I received not just loans but other benefits as well,” said Mercy.


Without a doubt, Mercy has transformed from a street food seller to a breadwinner. She says CARD, Inc. is playing such a big role in her life. “Without CARD, Inc., we would not even be here.” She adds that CARD, Inc. saw how she handled both her business and her relationship with CARD gracefully. Mercy’s life, according to her, was very difficult in the beginning. But she has proven that with CARD, Inc., all it takes is trust in the right people—including yourself.