Healthier communities


A total of 430 microfinance clients of Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD), Inc. (A Microfinance NGO) from Poblacion, Banaue, Ifugao benefited from the community health day (CHD) conducted in collaboration with CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institution’s (CARD MRI) microfinance and health protection (MaHP) program. Dental, optical, medical, and health education were among all services rendered during the health fair. The CHD program of CARD MRI is a regular effort of the institution that aims to provide its microfinance clients and their dependents and the general public with health care services to far-flung areas in the Philippines. CARD MRI is a group of 21 social development-oriented organizations including CARD, Inc., which aims to eradicate poverty in the country.  Likewise, CARD, Inc. is a microfinance NGO that provides microfinance and community development programs such as education, health care, livelihood, disaster management, and capacity building. To date, CARD, Inc. is serving more than 1.8 million clients nationwide.