The seed of hope

CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) together with its clients, staff, and partners believe that through education, change can be achieved. And this is the story of Elvie Bernardo, 50 years old from Looc, Romblon, who considered education as a hope for a better future.

Back then, Elvie dreamed to become a teacher. However, being the second eldest in a family with nine children made her hopeless to realize her dreams. Taking up an education degree course during that time was so expensive. It was difficult for her parents to finance her studies considering that her mother is a housewife and her father is a fisherman.

“Three of us were not able to take the degree courses we wanted. But by helping our parents and seeing our younger siblings graduate with BS Education make us happy,” she said.

Now that Elvie has her own family, she wants to let her three children finish their schooling. “Education is what I value most. That is why, I will do my best to send them to school because it is the only treasure and legacy I could give to my children,” she firmly stated.

Education is like a seed of hope that brings better future for those who strive for it. Not every child, however, is given the right to equal opportunity for education because some parents cannot afford to keep their children in school.

“It is very hard for us parents to keep our children in school especially when our source of living is only fishing. When the weather is good and if we are lucky to have a good catch, everything is in place. But when the weather is bad, everything seems awful. We do not know where to get our daily expenses as well as for the miscellaneous and tuition fees of our children,” said Elvie, adding that her husband Quim Bernardo is a fisherman like her father.

“With the unstable earnings we got from fishing, I was so grateful that CARD, Inc. was introduced to me by a friend,” shared Elvie.

The Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD), Inc. is a social development organization that provides microfinance and social development programs to help families move out from the claws of poverty.

Other than the microfinance loan she availed to start a small business, Elvie was able to apply for education loan, which really helped her in making both ends meet for her children at school.

“I am so proud and happy that we are able to send our children in school and my daughter Quivie is actually graduating now,” added Elvie.

Elvie also shared the moment she witnessed her daughter received her diploma, she cannot explain the rewarding joy she felt in her heart.

“Thanks be to God for what my daughter had achieved. I also thank those who gave their support especially to our financial needs,” Elvie said as a mother and as an active client of CARD, Inc.

“We believed that education has the power to change lives. With our vision to improve the quality of life of many poor people, we also design programs and services that will focus on the importance of education,” said Jocelyn D. Dequito, executive director of CARD, Inc.

Since January 2018, CARD, Inc. has disbursed more than P973 million to 285,888 clients who availed the education loans. The education loan of CARD, Inc. offers a very affordable interest rate compared with its regular business loan.

“We at CARD MRI believe that education should be prioritized. Education is our hope and we want every family we serve to become as hopeful as we are every day,” emphasized Dequito.

CARD MRI is a group of 21 development-oriented institutions including CARD, Inc. that aims to eradicate poverty in the Philippines.