Iloilo’s Glorious Past Revisited

On October 25, 2018, twenty-seven CARD, Inc. staff from different provinces in North Luzon rediscovered Iloilo City through CARD MRI Hijos Tours. Aside from enjoying some Ilonggo delicacies, the travelers visited heritage sites and significant landmarks of the city including Museo de Iloilo, Muelle Loney, Plaza Libertad, Calle Real, Jaro Cathedral, Molo Church, Molo Mansion, Villa Alegre, and La Paz. This heritage tour aims to share the rich culture and golden years of Iloilo City. CARD MRI Hijos Tours Inc. is the tour company of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions, which aims to promote the tourism industry, local culture, heritage, and its microentrepreneurs.