Life as a Roller Coaster Ride

Life is like a roller coaster. There are moments when you are way up, seeing the beautiful sceneries and celebrating happiness, and there are moments when you are on your lowest point and thought that life is not in your favor. Although these kinds of challenges may lift you or may dismay you, giving up must never be a choice.

Emelia Jamili, 56, had experienced such roller coaster ride in her life. When she was still a kid, she lived with her grandparents instead of her own parents. As a means of living, Emelia plowed, climbed mountains to harvest crops, and provided all around help for her grandparents. Growing up was never easy, but she managed to endure everything despite life’s hardships.

As years passed, Emelia reached college. She used to work in the morning and go to school in the evening. Unfortunately, she was not able to finish college because she got married to Romeo Jamili while still on her second year in college.

With Emelia’s experiences in agricultural works and a little bit of trading, she was able to put up a stall in Carbon Market Place and started selling crops such as camote, calamansi, bananas, and many more. These products gave her a better life because of the strong income in the market and her growing space for her products. Meanwhile, Romeo helps managing the business and worked in a Casino Corporate Company in Cebu City.

The couple had their first born in 1989. They were so happy to have a kid because they have been waiting for that moment. They had given everything, and admittedly, they have spoiled the kid. Following the circle of life, Emelia’s business got a little bit slower because of the high competition in the market. After eight years, her business stopped. Luckily, they were again blessed with another baby in 1997.

As their children grew, the couple realized the increasing expenses of the family. Romeo doubled his work, and Emelia stayed at home to take care of the children. It was hard for the both of them because their business was closed and Romeo is not earning enough.

With the Lord’s blessing, their kids became scholars. This is a big financial help for the couple. Their children studied well and maintained their high grades at school.

The effort and perseverance of Emelia and Romeo bore when both of their children graduated in college. It was a fulfilling journey to see both their kids finally obtained their respective diplomas even if along the way, there was a major problem that almost jeopardized their educational rights.

Emelia never failed to thank God Almighty, her husband, relatives, and the opportunity that CARD, Inc. (A Microfinance NGO) has given to her. She became a CARD member in 2010, and by then she knew that it will be a great help to the family financially. Emelia was able to loan money and used it for daily expenses, additional finances for school, and starting a business again.

Emelia is not afraid to start from scratch because she knew that she now has CARD– an organization that is willing to help her at times of need.

At present, Emelia has three stalls for “pasalubong” items in two of the major malls in Cebu City. Added to that, she has other businesses such as direct selling, and a mini-canteen where her “pasalubong” items are being displayed.

“I was young when I was oriented on how life works and how it can crush you to pieces. I was already matured when I confirmed that what I knew before was accurate and real. But the highlight of these realizations is that I never gave up and continued soaring for the betterment of my family and the people I had helped,” Emelia concluded.