Leading the way where nobody dares to go

Armed with passion and dedication to build a financially inclusive country, CARD MRI braved the seas of the south in 2006 to establish its microfinance NGO operation. CARD, Inc. first started its operations in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi providing local communities with various financial services and community-based development programs. In 2014, CARD MRI saw the potential of expanding to nearby areas amidst the many generalizations that the province is a war-torn zone. CARD, Inc. then opened in Sitangkai, the considered Venice of the South, which is 58 kilometers away the island of Bongao. Recently, the founder and chairman emeritus of CARD MRI, Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, visited Sitangkai on August 27-28, 2018 to personally meet the clients and staff. He also did a close monitoring on the progress of its microfinance operations and the pilot of its Shari’ah-inspired microfinance program in the area. To date, CARD, Inc. is reaching more than 5,832 clients in Tawi-Tawi with 23 staff and 905 clients in Sitangkai bravely managed by four staff. Dr. Alip hopes to open more branches in Tawi-Tawi in the coming years and challenges everyone to work in the development sector that reinforces poverty eradication.