CARD MRI’s history book reviewed, published in Philippine Studies

The book review of the first local history book of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI), the History of San Pablo: Reviewed, Rewritten, and Retold, is now available in the Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints journal published by the Ateneo de Manila University.

The history book, which was launched in July 2016, was reviewed by one of the highly regarded historians Ruth de Llobet. Currently, de Llobet is an affiliate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Pompeu Fabra University, and Research Group on Empires, Metropolises, and Extra-European Societies (GRIMSE).

“We are thankful at CARD MRI because our simple contribution to San Pablo has captured the attention of one of the famous historians in the world. Given her extensive research works on the history of Southeast Asia, her review means a lot to all of us,” said Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, founder and chair of CARD MRI.

Dr. Alip also expressed his excitement because more academic scholars in the world will now have access to the rich heritage and culture of San Pablo City. “Having it published in an internationally refereed academic journal is a great opportunity for us to showcase our roots here in San Pablo,” he added.

As stated in the website of Philippine Studies,, the Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, formerly known as Philippine Studies, “publishes scholarly articles and other materials on the history of the Philippines and its peoples, both in the homeland and overseas.”

Moreover, “it promotes a comparative and transnational sensibility, and seeks to engage scholars who may not be specialists on the Philippines.”

The Philippine Studies was founded in 1953 where the journal is published by the Ateneo de Manila University quarterly. One of the early editors of the Philippine Studies was Fr. Horacio de la Costa, SJ, who is also a well known historian. Dr. Filomeno V. Aguilar Jr. is now the editor of the Philippine Studies who is also the current head of University Research Council of Ateneo de Manila University.

The Hijos de San Pablo book

The book featured six vibrant stories. Nicholas Michael Sy, assistant professor at the history department of the University of the Philippines Diliman, gave light to how the coconut industry supported the development of San Pablo City.

Maria Karina Garilao, expert in heritage conservation, wrote about the significant role of women in local society while Dr. Francis Gealogo, associate professor at the Ateneo de Manila University, showed the demographic challenges faced by San Pableños, which affected the profile of the city’s population.

Moreover, Dr. Armando de Jesus, former vice rector for academic affairs of UST, and Cynthia Rivera, former director of UST’s center for cultural studies, focused on the role played by religion in the shaping of San Pablo City history.

Rhina Alvero-Boncocan and Eileen Meneses, both assistant professors at UP Los Baños, discussed about money lending, usury, and land ownership in San Pablo City, which reinforced the essay of Dr. Alip, emphasizing CARD MRI’s role in poverty eradication through microfinance and social development.

A softbound copy of the book is available at CARD MRI main office in San Pablo City, Laguna for only PHP500. For orders, you may send an email to and look for Manager Cyrene Grace DC. Lubigan. The review of the book can also be accessed online at

Hijos Tours at CARD

Prior to the publication of the local history book, a heritage tour program was first established by CARD MRI in 2013. Dubbed as “Hijos de San Pablo: Seven Lakes and Beyond Tour”, the tour program showcases the vibrant culture and history of San Pablo City in Laguna.

“To better understand yourself, you have to first understand your roots,” emphasized Dr. Alip when asked about why CARD MRI put up such program together with its microfinance services.

“We are in the business of poverty eradication and this doesn’t only mean providing microfinance services. We need to also create job opportunities for our clients. Through this tour program, we allow them to revisit their roots and rediscover their potentials and eventually become instrumental in preparing authentic delicacies and conduct of tour guiding,” added Dr. Alip.

The tour guides and suppliers of CARD MRI for their Hijos Tours are its microfinance clients.

Beyond identity appreciation, according to Dr. Alip, Hijos Tours would like to become an instrument that stewards the country’s culture.

In 2017, CARD MRI institutionalized the Hijos Tours believing that this program is among the equally important services that its clients, staff, and the public should receive and experience. From a simple program in 2013, it is now called as CARD MRI Hijos Tours Inc.

“We are proud because our heritage tour in San Pablo has been gaining positive impacts among the lives of our travelers since 2013. And this resulted to opening another tour programs in other regions in the Philippines,” said Marilyn M. Manila, president of Hijos Tours.

At present, the Hijos Tours is also available in Samar-Leyte (Tacloban to Balangiga tour) and Iloilo City. Another tour will be opened next year in Davao City. To experience the heritage tours of CARD MRI, you can contact Tour Officer Jeffrey Tandingan at 0998-952-5419 or send them an email at