CARD SME holds the Negosyo Talk Series 2019

CARD SME Bank, one of the banking institutions of CARD MRI, holds its 2019 The Negosyo Talk Series entitled “Let’s take the T.R.A.I.N.!” at Maharlika Square, San Pablo City.

The Negosyo Talk Series (TNTS) is a business forum organized by the bank for its clients and non-clients to provide necessary knowledge and information on different aspects of doing business. This year’s topic was about Republic Act. No. 10963 or the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law and its effects to their businesses.

According to Raymond Abrea, the Founding Chairman of Asian Consulting Group and the Resource Speaker of the forum, the simplified taxes will unburden the small and medium enterprises and self-employed from paying for their old corresponding taxes. 

The TRAIN law would benefit the MSMEs from tax breaks where they could pay lower income taxes. The changes were made simpler and favorable to entrepreneurs to encourage compliance of small businesses so that they can become part of the formal economy. 

“It will be our contribution to give people a better understanding of our tax system to help them appreciate their role in nation building,” said Aristeo A. Dequito, President and CEO of CARD SME Bank. “It’s important to know the importance of taxes and its effects in our businesses and in our local economy.”

The forum taught the clients of the importance of paying taxes accurately and on time, what taxes they have to pay as an employee and as a business owner, and its various effects on businesses. The forum helped the clients be more aware of their responsibilities and on what government projects will be benefited from the taxes they pay. 

Meanwhile, Vladimir Sanchez, the Operations Director of CARD-Business Development Services Foundation Inc. talks about the importance of filing for Barangay Micro Business Enterprise (BMBE) of the entrepreneurs. This will help the entrepreneurs to enter the mainstream economy. 

Personnel from Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) were also present at the forum to remind the entrepreneurs to register their businesses. 

This year’s forum was attended by clients from different neighboring branches. Since 2016, the forum had successful runs in Bay, Laguna, Dagupan City, Batangas City, Lipa City, San Pablo City, and even in Hong Kong.

To date, CARD MRI already reached 6.28 million clients of which 850,000 are from CARD SME Bank. CARD MRI is a group of 22 social development- oriented institutions including CARD SME Bank that aims to eradicate poverty in the country by giving financial and community development programs and services to the communities it serves.

From left to right: Raymond Abrea, Founding Chairman of Asian Consulting Group, Aristeo Dequito, President and CEO of CARD SME Bank together with the staffs of CARD SME Bank and attendees of the forum.