All goals are achievable

Having a college degree is considered to be a golden ticket towards having a permanent job, which will help you and your future family meet life’s demands. But what happens if you do not have one?

Maria Teresa Urnabia and her late husband, Jaime Urnabia, are two of the many Filipinos who were not able to graduate college. Because of this, the couple promised to themselves that they will do everything that they can so that all their children will graduate from college and end up in a job where they can earn and build a financially stable family in the future.

Maria and Jaime were married in 1987. The couple was blessed with four children. Jaime worked as a technician in a private company, while Maria involved herself in direct selling. The couple did not forget their main goal to send their kids to good schools and have them get a college degree.

With their unstable income, Urnabia family did not have a permanent address. Not having enough income to own a house, they had to move from one apartment to another. “Having no permanent address is hard because every family member had to cope with a lot of major adjustments like the environment, neighborhood, and the home itself,” said Maria.

As years passed, due to the couple’s perseverance, Jaime became one of the most trusted technician in the company while Maria became a Unit Manager in a direct selling company. It was a long journey for the couple because it took them years to have enough money.

But the long wait is over! Their four children graduated from college, with each one taking the courses that they are passionate about. At present, all of them are working in different companies in the Philippines.

After a happy ending story, a storm came and challenged the Urnabia family. Jaime died in 2014 due to cardiac arrest. It was a devastating moment for everybody but this incident made Maria even stronger.

In May 2016, with the goal of building a permanent home, Maria became a member of Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD), Inc. (A microfinance NGO) and sought for help financially in order to start the construction of their house.

“It was never a mistake that I joined CARD, Inc.; it is even a blessing. I am grateful that despite of the challenges I faced in the past and until now, there are still organizations like this that are sincere in helping people like me. Thanks CARD, because of your help, my home is now 80% done,” Maria mentioned.

As of now, Maria’s home is still under construction and is everyday celebrating the gift of life and the blessings that her whole family is receiving.

“Set a goal to keep you motivated, and pursue it no matter what hardship you will face because it is always the sweetest fruit you will reap in the future,” Maria added.