A leap of faith and love

Marriage is a serious bond between a man and a woman. Sometimes it takes a long period of time to find someone who can share your life with forever. Lucky for some, they find their partner in a short moment.

After months of courtship, Analisa “Lisa” Pedrosa and Elvis Pedrosa decided to get married on September 26, 1996. It was a strong love that bonded the two love birds and decided to take the next level of being a couple.

Right after they got married, they immediately transferred to a simple house in Maracas, Cebu City and started to dream about building a family. Lisa also dreamt of improving their home as soon as they have the resources to do so.

It was a happy life, but marriage is not just about love, butterflies, and happiness. The one that strengthens the marriage is the storms faced and conquered.

A year after their marriage, the couple was blessed with their first born child. Their child has been their source of happiness every day. Eventually, the expenses they incur as a family starts to get higher. To make ends meet, Ramil worked as a construction mason, while Lisa worked as a laundry attendant. Practically speaking, their combined incomes were not enough.

In 1999, they were given another baby. So the couple doubled their efforts in order to send their kids to good schools and provide the basic needs of their family. Sweat, blood, and tears were Lisa’s weapon to battle with daily challenges.

Aside from their goal of raising their children well, one of Lisa’s dreams is to renovate their house. In 2013, Lisa met and joined Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD), Inc. (A microfinance NGO) in the hopes of helping her finance her dream house. After three years of being a member, Lisa started to have her home renovated through the housing loan she availed. She was happy and delighted to have CARD, Inc. with her in this journey.

“I am grateful and my heart leaps for joy upon knowing CARD, Inc. Not everyone reaches their dream and here I am, step by step, building our home that was once only a dream,” said Lisa.

“I was able to carefully plan the purchase and labor costs because CARD, Inc. has flexible loan terms, which enables the clients to fully utilize the loans,” added Lisa.

Up until now, their house is under construction. The happiness the Pedrosa family is experiencing is just a matter of a leap of faith and love.