It is more than housing, it is home

“Real estate is an ever growing industry,” said Evelyn Fulgerinas, 48, of Pabahay Realty Services in Davao City.

Real Estate Services offers an extensive array of support services for potential homebuyers and sellers designed to make them informed consumers. According to Evelyn, the end goal is to simplify the process for home buying and/or selling experience.

Evelyn shared how she managed to bring the business onto the next level, dealing with the advent of technology and the unimaginable pressure on innovation, and most importantly, giving satisfaction to clients who are “looking for a home, not just a house”. Way back 2001, Evelyn and her husband, James, took the risk in investing for real estate service company.

They were unsure on what will happen to all the efforts and financial sacrifices, but they gladly took the risk, hoping that it will change their lives forever. They called the business Eastmount Ventures Realty Services at first still located in Davao City. It was going well but they needed more capital so in 2010, she joined CARD Bank, Inc., an institution that provides microfinance loans, SME loans, and other loans tailored-fit to the evolving needs of its clients, especially the socioeconomically challenged women and families. Just like any other client of CARD, she started with PHP 5,000 loan as additional capital. It was not enough, she knew it, but she has seen what CARD wanted the clients to learn –financial literacy. She was later allowed to loan up to PHP 300,000 for additional capital.

Presently, Evelyn and James made it to the peak of success. They now have two children who are degree holders and who both would want to follow the steps of their parents. They also acquired a farmland filled with fruit-bearing trees such as mangoes, lanzones, and durian, and few livestock such as chickens, cows, and horses. Evelyn disclosed their future plans on engaging in other business such as native chicken distributors.

“Risk-taking is scary. People fail or just stay the same because taking a risk is something most people think they cannot afford. But my husband and I knew that if we want to reach our goals, taking a risk is the only option,” said Evelyn.

Evelyn added that CARD Bank supported them financially for eight years. They were taught how to save and their future is secured.

“For all of the things CARD helped us through, our family is very grateful,” Evelyn said.