The secret ingredient of Puto Maya

Pinoy breakfasts are widely known to be unique, healthy, and above all, tasty. Any Filipino would agree that a day can never officially start without breaking the fast.

One of the most famous Pinoy breakfast is Puto Maya, a popular kakanin in Cebu. Puto Maya is made of sweetened milk, fresh ginger, and with its most important ingredient glutinous rice. This can be best partnered with sikwate (hot chocolate) and mango.

Puto Maya might just be a food on your plate but this has changed the life of Gina Añasco, a microfinance client of CARD, Inc. (A Microfinance NGO) in Cebu.

Since 1993, Añasco has been helping her husband prepare Puto Maya. This has become one of their main sources of income. The couple has two daughters: Grethyl Pansacala and Gige Mae Añasco. Their collaborative effort made their daughters graduate with degrees in BS in Nursing and BS in Business Administration major in Marketing Management with Gige Mae having obtained the Cum Laude honors.

Puto Maya is served every three in the morning in Wilson Street, Cebu City, a place where bypassers can easily grab a tasty breakfast. Their common customers are jeepney and taxi drivers, call center agents, and army officers. Every day, they would accommodate more or less 60 customers. Puto Maya is sold for PHP10 and sikwate and coffee for PHP12.

As years passed, Gina has been introduced to CARD, Inc., a social development organization based in San Pablo, Laguna. CARD, Inc. has operations nationwide reaching more than 1.9 million families. Gina has been a proud member for more than eight years now. She highly emphasized that there were times wherein financial problems arise but she is glad to be a part of the institution she knows she can rely on for financial support.

“I am so happy to have CARD, Inc. beside me whenever I need extra money to be spent in our daily needs. Because of hard work, determination, and CARD’s support, my two children are now already professionals,” said Gina in local dialect.

CARD, Inc. has been a huge help in growing Gina’s business and everyday expenses by giving opportunities to do more.

“I will become CARD’s member until whatever happens. I have been active since 2010, and I will be very active in the years to come,” added Gina.

When asked what is the secret of their long-lasting business, Gina said that it’s the determination and love you pour to the food that makes it tasty. “Through that, people will remember how our food is served not just because it’s about business but because of the happiness we give them. Just never give up and put determination in everything you do, that is what I consider the secret ingredient to life and our Puto Maya,” said Gina.

Now, their Puto Maya business is still giving joy to their customers every day. On the other hand, their two daughters are currently working in big companies in Cebu City. Their passion and dedication are finally rewarded.