A salute for a widow

Death is an inevitable phenomenon that every human being has to face but no matter how much everybody knew that this is a reality, it will always be painful.

This is the story of Nina Maria Regidor, a widow for four years now. Her husband, late Police Inspector Raul Regidor, had grown a tumor in his throat that caused his death last April 2014. It was never an easy life for Nina because she had been used to having around his husband all the time.

The couple was married in 1989 and settled in Lahug, Cebu City. Raul was already a policeman that time and Nina admitted that her husband had been experiencing a lot of illnesses that needed to be given medical attention. After a year of marriage, they were given a healthy baby boy, Jenson. Because of the finances they had to cover, Nina decided to join the buy and sell business.

In 2001, Nina gave birth to their second child, Jane Marian. The Regidor family lived harmoniously for years, but Raul’s condition worried Nina for she has to go back and forth to the hospital to have him checked regularly. Nina honestly mentioned that it was quite a challenge for them financially because their children were growing and her husband needed to be given all the medical assistance his condition demands.

Years had passed and everything went better. Raul had been promoted in his rank and Nina was doing great with her business. The year 2014, however, was the biggest challenge Nina and her children had to face. Raul was diagnosed with Stage 4 Throat Cancer. It was a sudden disease that spread fast and no one saw it coming. It was also that year when Jenson, who took up Bachelor in Science in Mechanical Engineering, would graduate. Nina remembered how Raul had waited to see his son graduate college.

Jenson received his college diploma on March 2014 and Raul died one month after. It was hard for everybody to accept because Raul had been a great, responsible, and loving not just with his family, but to the people around him.

CARD’s Assistance

Before Nina’s husband died, she was already a CARD, Inc. client. She started in 2011 and has been a member for seven years already. Nina recalled that CARD had helped her financially because she was assisted with her needs especially at those crucial times wherein Raul was sick and their children had to go to school.

She thanked CARD for being there because she was able to loan money that was used to assist to all her needs. “I am so grateful to be a member of CARD because I was able to find an organization that cared for their members. They were able to assist me at times when I needed financial assistance. As long as the CARD is there, I will be an active and loyal member,” said Nina.

Now, Jenson is helping Nina with their business in Cebu and Bohol and is waiting for an opportunity to become a public servant. Meanwhile, Jane Marian is now on Grade 12 in the University of Cebu.

Nina thanked God Almighty that Raul is now safe and happy in heaven. She is also forever grateful with CARD because of the continuous help the organization has been pouring to her.  Jenson and Jane Marian salute their mother because of being heroic, hardworking, and loving at all times. To all mothers in the world, we salute you all!