Bañez, 2018 outstanding San Pableño

Lorenza dT. Bañez, the Executive Vice President of CARD Bank, Inc., was among the 2018 Outstanding San Pableños honored by the City Government of San Pablo on Monday, May 7, during the commemoration of its 78th Charter Anniversary.

Bañez made it to this year’s list because of her significant achievements in the field of finance and accounting for more than 35 years now.

“I am deeply humbled by this recognition. This accomplishment, beyond self-fulfilment, is also for all the people who were always at my back and who propelled me to where I am today,” said Bañez.

Born in San Pablo City in 1959, Bañez finished elementary at Sto. Angel Elementary School. Meanwhile, she studied high school and took up BS Commerce in Laguna College. In 1983, she passed the Certified Public Accountant licensure exam.

In 2007, Bañez also finished her master’s program in Community Economic Development (CED) at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) in USA. Currently, Bañez has an ongoing Ph.D. program in Organization Development at Southeast Asian Interdisciplinary Institute (SAIDI).

Serving the unbanked

Bañez devoted much of her time working with the landless poor communities in San Pablo City, Laguna. For eight years starting 1980, she was the Program Accountant at the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP). She then joined the San Pablo City Federation of Core Groups, assisted by Christian Children’s Fund (CCF), in 1989.

In between those years, it is worth noting that Bañez is also one of the 15 rural development workers who established the Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) in 1986. She became full time at CARD in 1990 as Associate Director of CARD, Inc. After seven years, she headed the finance department of the growing institution of CARD.

“Ms. Bañez is the one who spearheaded the development and installation of the financial and treasury management system of CARD from its infancy to expansion and growth stage,” said Dr. Dolores M. Torres, Bañez’s longtime friend and colleague in the microfinance industry. Dr. Torres is also one of the pioneers of CARD and now the Senior Management Adviser of CARD Bank, Inc.

Bañez, according to Dr. Torres, is also instrumental in the transformation of CARD, Inc. (A Microfinance NGO) into a formal banking institution, now the CARD Bank, Inc. “Her expertise in banking and finance led CARD to where it is today. The bank, up to this day, is always fully compliant with the existing rules and regulations of the country’s regulating bodies, which is commendable,” added Dr. Torres.

CARD Bank today is one of the pioneer and prime microfinance-oriented rural banks that is consistently being recognized by the Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) as its financial inclusion champion for 5 consecutive years; a bank that is committed to serving the unbanked communities in the country.

What’s ahead

With the recognition Bañez’s received, she is now paying it forward especially to the younger generations. “All these achievements I have achieved would not be possible without the help of other people. Hence, I am paying all these forward,” she said.

Currently, Bañez is the Dean of the Department of Accountancy of CARD-MRI Development Institute (CMDI), the school of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI). CARD MRI is a group of 21 organizations, including CARD, Inc., CARD Bank, and CMDI, all working together to eradicate poverty in the country.

“I am very eager to develop young minds to become socially responsible in the future. This is my simple way of molding future leaders in San Pablo City and beyond,” said Bañez.

Bañez is also thankful to Dr. Torres and Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, the founder and chairman of CARD MRI, for being her supportive mentors. “They are the people who I always look up to,” she said. Dr. Alip and Dr. Torres are also an Outstanding San Pableños back in 2008 and 2017, respectively.

Another awardees this year includes two of CARD SME Bank’s business partners, Mr. Romeo Race under the Business and Industry category and Mr. Joselito Frago under Agriculture and Farm Management, and CARD MRI media partner, Mr. Rico Albaño, under the Civic and Humanitarian category.

The family of CARD MRI, headed by its Founder and Chair Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip and Managing Director Flordeliza L. Sarmiento, is very proud for the exemplary performance of its family members in various fields.