The capital that starts it all

Marilou Mamenta, 46, is a meat vendor in Madang Public Market in Mati City for five years. She started a home-based business by selling meat to provide for their daily needs. She wanted to move out and rent a space in the market, however, she does not have enough money to pay for the monthly rentals. So, in 2008 she joined CARD Bank, Inc., a member of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions that provides microfinance loans, SME loans, and other loans tailored-fit to the evolving needs of its clients, especially the socio-economically challenged women and families. Marilou was approved for a PhP3,000 loan, which she immediately used to rent a space for her meat business. With her new space, Marilou can now display more products earning up to PhP3,000 a day. At present, she could borrow up to PhP100,000 loan from CARD bank.