Being the Boss of your own

Working in a corporate setting type of office while wearing a high-end business attire could be everyone’s dream. But to some people like Pascuala Agad, being the boss of their own is a worthier dream.

“I once worked in a tailoring shop and a portion of my salary was allotted for savings to realize my dream business,” said Agad. At first, she put up a sari-sari store out of her savings. “Eventually, I was able to establish my own tailoring shop then a furniture shop.”

Agad decided to put up her own business to have total control of her time. She then quit her job to manage her own businesses. “The demand for our services continue to grow, hence, an additional capital is needed,” said Agad adding that she’s thankful to meet one of the unit managers of CARD, Inc., a microfinance NGO that offers microloans to support the livelihood activities of the socioeconomically challenged women and families

“CARD, Inc. has just started its operations here in Nabunturan back then. Our meeting was a blessing in disguise as one day, the unit manager was looking for sets of office furniture and found our shop,” Agad recalled.

“The manager then introduced and gave me an overview about the institution. From then on, I was able to borrow an additional capital for my businesses,” she added.

Agad, 67 years old, is a resident in Nabunturan, Compostella Valley Province. She is a client of CARD for 12 years already and is one of the pioneer clients of the institution in the area.

“What I liked most in CARD, Inc. is that they don’t just provide us with microloans, but also educates us through Credit with Education (CwE) program and provides us capacity building programs related to enterprise development,” Agad emphasized.

In her 12 years as client of CARD, Inc., she said that she was able to avail the best and quality products and services offered by the institution. “With my experience with CARD, Inc., I was never hesitant to encourage my neighbors to also join the institution for them to avail its various products and services such as microloans, microsavings, microinsurance, and health protection and education benefits, among others,” she added.

More opportunities also wait for Agad and the communities in Nabunturan as CARD, Inc. clients were transitioned to CARD Bank in April 2017. CARD Bank is microfinance-oriented rural bank of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) where CARD, Inc. is also a member institution. CARD MRI is a group of 21 mutually reinforcing institutions that aims to eradicate poverty in the Philippines by providing microfinance and community-based development services.

The transition means the microfinance NGO clients are now ready for formal banking and as a rural bank, wider financial services is being offered. “Beyond availing hundreds of thousands of loans, I am more happy to see that our bank was able to build its own building. Banking is now more convenient,” said Agad.

Now, the growing business of Agad is generating employment opportunities for her neighbors. “In a small way, I am blessed to have the chance to help other people,” she said adding that through her businesses, she was also able to send her children to college.

CARD, Inc. still, is operational in Nabunturan but its focus is on the hard to reach areas where loan availment is up to PhP100,000. On the other hand, CARD Bank offers loan as high as Php5 million to more matured clients like Agad.

“Being the Boss of your own is not easy. You have to manage your resources well and of course, partner with institutions who can bring out the best in you,” Agad concluded.