CMDI holds first graduation for online Microinsurance course

Fifty-five new e-learners who are microinsurance coordinators of the CARD Mutual Benefit Association, Inc. (CARD MBA) graduated in the online microinsurance course at CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. (CMDI) on April 12, 2018.

This is the newest online course of CMDI under its e-learning program, which is offered to MBA Coordinators. The online course has 10 lessons to complete within one month.

“We want to further empower the skills of our coordinators in terms of microinsurance operations. This program is a great way to reach those who are living away from the CMDI campus and are willing to help in promoting microinsurance products,” said May S. Dawat, Chief Executive Officer of CARD MBA.

The coordinators take their online lessons in batches at the nearest CARD MBA provincial offices where internet and computers are available. “Our staff in the provincial office assists the coordinators in terms of using the technology,” said Dawat.

Emerlita Valencia, 64, one of the coordinators, shared that she was hesitant to take the online course at first. “I am not used to learning things over a computer. My hands are shaking every time I move and click the mouse. For one month, however, I challenged myself to be more confident in using the technology. This is the new trend of learning and I have to be in it,” she shared.

CARD in the digital landscape

“As part of CARD MRI’s journey towards digitalization, we have developed this online course to help our MBA coordinators become more knowledgeable about microinsurance and at the same time to experience new trends of learning that are mediated by information and communication technologies,” said Flordeliza L. Sarmiento, CARD MRI Managing Director and CMDI President.

CARD MRI’s shift and integration of technology to its operation has started years ago. “CARD MRI has successfully transitioned from manual transactions to an automated system of microfinancing,” added Sarmiento

On the other hand, the role of CMDI, as the training institute of CARD MRI, is to empower its clients and staff in maximizing advanced technologies. “Not all of us are digital natives but we have to cope up with the trend. At CMDI, we will continue to innovate so our clients would recognize the significance of integrating advanced technologies in our processes,” said Dr. Edzel A. Ramos, Vice President for Learning and Development.

In addition to providing specialized knowledge on microfinance, CARD MRI members and staff can access the e-learning courses at their convenience; whenever and wherever they are.

CMDI, in 2009, established the Learning Resource Network (CMDI LRN) as the institution’s online repository for its training programs. “This year, CMDI LRN will continue to create more and relevant online courses as an alternative to the formal face-to-face training and to give CARD MRI clients and staff an educational access to cyber space,” said Dr. Ramos.

CMDI and CARD MBA, as member institutions of CARD MRI, will continue to pursue its goal in eradicating poverty in the Philippines by providing education and microinsurance.