Finally a college: CMDI-Tagum to offer first bachelor degree

CARD-MRI Development Institute (CMDI) – Tagum Campus has been granted the license permit to offer its first bachelor degree in Entrepreneurship as formally announced by Dr. Jaime Aristotle Alip, Founder of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) and Chairman of CMDI, during the campus’ Senior High graduation ceremony last April 17, 2018 held at the school campus. 

“It is a good news, especially for our first 51 graduates. We encourage you to continue your education with us because there is a great future ahead of you in this school,” said Dr. Alip, adding that CMDI will depart from the traditional ways of doing things and introduce a practitioner-led approach.

Learning at CMDI will be more experience-based, according to Dr. Alip. “You will not be confined to the four walls of a classroom but instead learn more from actual and practical implementation of your lessons, here in the Philippines and even in other Southeast Asian countries,” he added.

Further, CMDI aims to develop more “job generators” than “employees”. If in case, however, that the students want employment, Dr. Alip assured the graduates an opportunity for work within the CARD MRI group.

During the ceremony, the commencement speaker, Mr. Christian Lauron, also encouraged the graduates to make their own choices. “This is not the end but the start of something greater for your life. I have to emphasize [that] you have to make your own choices,” he said.

Everyone in the venue was also thrilled when Dr. Alip announced that the top nine graduates will automatically receive a full scholarship grant for their college education at CMDI.

The event was also attended by the CARD MRI Managing Director and CMDI President Flordeliza Sarmiento, CMDI Vice President for Administration and Academic Affairs Deverna Briones, CARD SME Bank President and CEO Aristeo Dequito, CMDI Vice President for Learning and Development Dr. Edzel Ramos, CARD, Inc. Executive Director Jocelyn D. Dequito, and CMDI staff. 

CMDI is one of the 21 institutions of CARD MRI, which started as a training center for CARD’s staff and clients. The main campus is located in Bay, Laguna, which also offers college degree program in business entrepreneurship, accountancy, and accounting and information systems. CARD MRI, on the other hand, is a social development organization that provides financial and community-based social development services to low-income household in the country.