New set of CARD MBA BOTs

New set of CARD MBA BOTs. CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) Managing Director Flordeliza L. Sarmiento (left) led the oath taking of the newly elected CARD MBA Board of Trustees (BOTs) at Maharlika Square and Event’s Place, Brgy. San Roque, San Pablo City, Laguna on September 6, 2019. Six among the 12 nominees from various regions were announced to be part of the CARD MBA BOTs namely: Perla L. Munar, Teresita G. Villanueva, Remedios V. Gabriel, Cristita S. Salao, Nora T. Porley, and Elizabeth A. Francisco. Ms. Vida T. Chiong (2nd from left), the former Deputy Commissioner of the Insurance Commission, was elected also as the independent trustee of CARD Mutual Benefit Association (CARD MBA). Together with the six trustees with one year remaining term and the two independent board, Ms. Arlette A. Umali (3rd from left) and Atty. Jomer H. Aquino, will compose the new set of CARD MBA’s Board of Trustees. They will embody the thousands of members within their regions to better serve them in their microinsurance needs. “The Board of Trustees are responsible in governing the Association. Since they are also members of the Association, we know that having them as leaders will help the Association reach new height of success,” concluded May S. Dawat, chief executive officer of CARD MBA.