CARD MRI announces new managing director

CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI), a social development organization operating nationwide, announces Ms. Flordeliza Sarmiento as its new Managing Director during the launch of CARD MRI’s new book entitled CARD MRI’s Journey with the Poor on April 22, 2017 at CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. (CMDI) Bay Campus in Laguna.

Ms. Sarmiento will take over the role effective April 23, 2017, succeeding Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip.

Dr. Alip, the CARD MRI Founder and Managing Director for 30 years passed the leadership to Ms. Sarmiento as he took his mandatory retirement.

For the past year, Ms. Sarmiento has been closely working with Dr. Alip for smooth transition and continuity of strong management and leadership in the organization. “I am certain and confident that CARD MRI, with its new managing director, will continue our plan to reach our 5-8-40 strategy. Starting on 2016, we will be reaching eight million clients and insuring 40 million individuals,” Dr. Alip said.

Ms. Sarmiento is part of the pioneering 15 CARD MRI development practitioners and held important positions since joining the organization in 1986. She headed three of CARD MRI’s financial institutions, CARD, Inc., (1996-2013), the formerly Rural Bank of Sto. Tomas Inc. now CARD SME Bank (2007-2011), and Rizal Bank, Inc. previously known as Rizal Rural Bank, Taytay, Rizal, Inc. (2013-2016).

With the same values CARD MRI upholds, Ms. Sarmiento is committed to achieve CARD MRI’s goal towards zero poverty in the country.

Meanwhile, Dr. Alip will continue to Chair the CARD MRI Board. Dr. Alip will also focus in transforming CARD-MRI Development Institute (CMDI) College into a university and establishing the CARD MRI Institute of Leadership.

CARD MRI aims to empower the socioeconomically challenged families in the country. Its 19 mutually reinforcing institutions – microfinance NGO and rural banks, thrift bank, microinsurance companies, school, pharmacy, leasing companies, business development and marketing company, and IT company – are working together to make poverty a history in the country.

To date, CARD MRI is serving more than 4.2 million families and insuring more than 12. 5 million individuals across the country.