CARD MRI joins seminar on subdermal implants

CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) attended a seminar on subdermal implants organized by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on August 3, 2016 at ASA Philippines in Ortigas Center, Pasig City to broaden understanding on IMPLANON, a progestin indicated for use by women to prevent pregnancy.

With subdermal implants, a tiny rod is inserted under the skin at the inner side of the non-dominant upper arm. This birth control implant is a thin, flexible plastic implant about the size of a cardboard matchstick. It is inserted under the skin of the upper arm and protects women from getting pregnant for up to four years.

“This seminar will be a great help in promoting community health. IMPLANON might be one of the useful method in our problem in population growth,” says CARD Health Coordinator Tria Marie Torres who attended the conference.

CARD MRI, a social development organization that has been serving poor Filipinos since 1986 and providing programs and services for mSMEs, conducted subdermal implant service to its female clients on May 2016 as part of its health programs

“We already experienced implanting Implanon in our past services to the poor and this seminar gave us more ideas on how we can implement and apply it in our health programs. In eradicating poverty and uplifting our fellow citizens in poverty, we should consider their health with regards to population control and family planning,” she mentions.

Since 1986, CARD MRI has been in the business of eradicating poverty in the country. It implements the Microfinance and Health Protection (MaHP) Program, which provides health related programs that complement the services of the organization’s goal in serving poor rural areas of the Philippines where maternal mortality rates are the highest.