A child’s dream

Education is a powerful tool to change the world, said a renowned human rights activist. It can lift a family out of poverty. It can bring development to a community. For 10-year-old Addul Hakeem Pindaliday, education is his way to be of service to his fellow tribesmen in Kidapawan City, Cotabato.

“When I grow up, I want to be a teacher so I can help our tribe have a better future,” said the young Addul. 

Addul Hakeem Pindaliday is a Grade 4 student at Matadon Elementary School. He is one of the beneficiaries of Zero Dropout Program, a social development initiative of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) that provides educational assistance to poor. 

Said his mom Samida Pindaliday, she availed of the educational loan due to its low interest rate. The loan helps their family to finance Addul’s expenses in school. Samida is a member of CARD for more than four years now. 

For Samida and her family, the loan is more than just a financial assistance. It is a step toward reaching their child’s dream – a dream not only for himself, but for their community, as well. 

“I am proud that even at his young age, my son has thought of the welfare of our tribesmen. And for that, I give him my support all the way,” ended Samida.