CMDI unlocks first e-Library

March 18, 2022

According to a nationwide survey conducted by the Movement for Safe, Equitable, Quality, and Relevant Education (SeQuRe) in March 2021, 53% of Filipino students were not confident if they can be up to par with the requirements in online learning.

The number says three things: distance learning is a struggle for most students in the Philippines. Lack of internet facilities, gadgets, and even access to finances are some of the things that hinder students from experiencing quality education at the comforts of their homes.

Second, distance learning is not for all. The reality is, as much as mothers want to help their children, the times have changed. Lessons have evolved and mothers are left behind by technology.

Lastly, distance learning distances children from school libraries where credible resources are available making them vulnerable to possible wrong information and “fake news” in doing research in the wide world of internet and social media.

While CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) addresses the first and second points by continuously providing access to cellphone loans and giving online training to mothers and students, CARD-MRI Development Institute, Inc. (CMDI) also does its part in providing access to learning resources by unlocking its first e-Library on February 22, 2022, to cater to its students during the new normal.

Problem Solved

CMDI’s electronic-Library or “e-Library” is the first online library of CARD MRI that provides access to relevant reading materials anytime and anywhere using electronic devices and the internet. Catering exclusively to enrolled students of CMDI and its faculty members, the e-Library contains books that are particular to research, thesis, and other academic requirements of both students and staff.

CMDI Senior Executive Vice President Dr. Edzel A. Ramos shared the importance of this digital initiative and its potential to help the students ease the birth pains of distance learning. “By maximizing the use of digital resources, we do our part in freeing our students from the worries associated with the pandemic and letting them achieve their goals and dreams for the future. In line with our mission of eradicating poverty, we give access to quality and affordable education through our senior high school, baccalaureate, and TESDA Programs. Aside from these, we provide free online training and other capacity-building programs to our students as well as to clients of CARD MRI,” Dr. Ramos said.

The Modern Library

CMDI Head Librarian Mila M. Ramos also emphasized the significance of the “modern” library during its launching. “While traditional libraries are indeed helpful, we still encounter some challenges with them. Aside from the pandemic that restricts our students from visiting the library, books are also limited. Students cannot borrow the same book at the same time. There are also times that, even if they have a chance to take the book and read it at home, they still need to return the book at a specific time. However, with the e-library, students will no longer have to wait for a book to be available or read it in a rush. It can be accessed anywhere as long as the students have devices connected to the internet. Multiple access is also possible.”

Since its inception in 2005, CMDI has served as the training ground for CARD MRI staff and clients alike. The learning institute aims to equip future leaders of the society to create change in their community by empowering socially-and-economically-challenged families through education, in line with CARD MRI’s mission of poverty eradication.

To know more about CMDI and its capacity-building services, visit their website at or their official Facebook page, @cmdiofficial.