Cebu and Leyte benefit in CARD MRI’s Special Community Health Days


In bringing health services more accessible especially to the areas wrecked by the 7.2 magnitude quake and the super-typhoon Yolanda last year, CARD MRI recently conducted special community health days in Cebu and Leyte where 856 clients, dependents, staff and general public were served.

Free consultation and medicines were provided during the said special community health days. Of the 856 beneficiaries, 714 are clients and dependents, 25 are staff, and 117 are non clients of CARD MRI.

For 2014, CARD MRI has already mapped out regular community health days in all of its areas of coverage through its 24 retainer doctors and 26 nurses strategically assigned nationwide.

Earlier this year, several of regular community health days were already done in the same areas mentioned above. This is a regular part of CARD’s Microfinance and Health Protection (MaHP) Program through the collaboration with a consortium of 18 Philippine MFIs which have integrated health program in their regular microfinance program. This year, CARD MRI will continue to bring more heath services to its clients, staff and general public.