Pagbulas: Shaping a productive and socially-aware individual

University of Iloilo, Iloilo City – Fifty nine scholars of CARD MRI from the different provinces of Visayas recently gathered together in a 3-day youth summit dubbed as “Pagbulas” to discover, enhance and fuel their potentials for social awareness and community development.

Pagbulas is the annual gathering of CARD MRI scholars. This year is the third youth summit organized of its kind.

Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, the Founder and Managing Director of CARD MRI graced the event and shared some inspiring stories to scholars. “Young people plays significant role in nation building. Only by being good and responsible individual in the family and community we can achieve so,” shared Dr. Alip. He also encouraged scholars to apply for employment in CARD.

In the summit, the youth scholars discussed and shared their views about the latest and relevant issues that concern them, such as education, community development and the 2015 ASEAN Integration. Scholars also underwent “pagbulas” or awakening from these issues wherein they shared their thoughts on how they can become responsible youths for their communities.

Scholars too experienced what Iloilo City can offer to them. They had a tour in the city and visited historical places.

CARD MRI has been granting scholarships and educational support to CARD members and children of CARD members who are qualified to the program for high school and college through the CARD Scholarship Program (CSP) since 2000. This program was first implemented by the office of Dr. Jaime Aristotle Alip, Founder and Managing Director of CARD MRI as a way of giving back to the communities it serves. CSP is now on its 14th batch of scholars with a total of 1,678 on-going and 4,399 total supported scholars in high school and college.

The future is bright for CARD MRI scholars. To further help these scholars achieve their dreams and help their families, graduate scholars are prioritized by CARD MRI for hiring. To date, there are 113 CARD scholars working in CARD who are now managers and staff contributing to its dynamic workforce of creating positive changes in the community that CARD serves.