CARD Mga Likha Inay Ni Inay joins international craftsmanship


After hosting eleven successful fashion shows all over the Philippines since 2012, Mga Likha ni Inay (MLNI), a Filipino brand whose primary aim is to link microentrepreneurs to the mainstream market, took a giant leap as it goes international. MLNI’s collection of traditional and modern Filipino clothes joined the stage of the fashion show entitled “Creative Micro-Entrepreneur – Potentials Unleashed” on November 22, 2014 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Joining CARD MRI in the international event are three organizations that have been active in serving women in rural communities in Vietnam. They are Thin Thuong Microfinance Institution (TYM) – Vietnam Women’s Union, Microfinance and Community Development Institute (MACDI), and Community Finance Resource Center (CFRC).

“This fashion show will feature not only the culture of Vietnam, but also the important contributions of women in our society in this age,” Dinh Thi Minh Thai, Director of MACDI said. “The role of Vietnamese women has truly evolved now. We see them taking control of their lives by managing their businesses. This is worth celebrating for us, this is an accomplishment that we are very proud of,” Le Thi Lan, Director of Community Finance Resource Center (CFRC) further stated.

“We are thrilled to be participants of the very first fashion show for microentrepreneurs in Vietnam,” Duong Thi Ngoc Linh, General Director of TYM stated, “this is a unique strategy for us to link our clients to possible business partners, the government, and other international development agencies that could help them in their livelihood activities.”

This event is also supported by the Canadian government through the Canadian Cooperative Association (CCA), a non-profit cooperative that is dedicated to ending poverty all over the world through cooperative action. “We are very proud to be a part of this collaboration,” said Scott Lewis, the Program Officer for Asia Agriculture and Food Security – CCA.

On the other hand, MLNI’s collection reflected how Filipino women from the rural communities and indigenous groups contribute to Philippine’s nation-building. Each piece was designed to contain raw materials from microentrepreneurs, craftsmen, and local artisans in rural communities and indigenous groups, which the CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI) serve.

“We believe that it is about time we take a notch up in providing access for our clients by introducing their products beyond the Philippine shores. It is very timely, too, as the ASEAN Integration is fast approaching. As we collaborate with more partners in the ASEAN countries, we open up better opportunities for women not only in the Philippines but also to our neighboring countries,” Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, Founder and Managing Director of CARD MRI explained.

A mini trade fair was also held simultaneously with the fashion show. High quality products of TYM, CFRC, and MACDI clients were displayed.

MLNI is a brand from CARD-Business and Development Services Foundation Inc. (BDSFI), a member institution of CARD MRI. CARD-BDSFI is a non-stock, non-profit foundation which provides marketing assistance to the microfinance clients of the CARD Bank, Inc., Rizal Rural Bank (Taytay Rizal), Inc., and CARD SME Bank, Inc., which are also member institutions of CARD MRI.